McKay James Christensen was born August 28, 2011 at 9:01 AM. He weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 21 in. long. His original due date was September 14th but I was hoping he would come sooner because my sister Cassie was getting married September 10th. Most of you know we are the best of friends and I wanted her there and she wanted to be there. My doctor had planned on starting me on the 9th in the morning if I wanted but I just wasn't sure I wanted to be started. I have heard horror stories about it and I just wanted him to come when he was ready but also didn't want to miss Cassie's wedding. I just kept praying the baby would come when he needed to and that everything would work out.
Kip's work had rented out Lagoon Friday August 26th and it would be Ty's first time going. I knew I would have a hard time walking around but I wanted to see Ty for his first time. I decided to go. We walked around a lot that night from 6 PM to around 12 AM. It was a lot of fun but by the end of the night I was hurting. We didn't get home until around 1 AM and I had to be up at 6 AM for our Focus Four Run at work. As soon as I was up I started having contractions. They were very inconsistent but I knew they were there. I had them all day. They got closer around 5 to 6 minutes apart in the evening and I decided I would call the doctor. My doctor didn't answer and didn't call back. I decided I would just go to the hospital and get checked because the week before at my appointment I was already a 2 and 90% thinned. We went up to the hospital around 11:30 PM and I was a 3 +. My doctor was out of town and that is why she didn't answer or call back. They told me I could stay if I changed in 1 hour. An hour came and I hadn't changed so they sent me home.
We returned home around 1:30 AM and Kip and my mom went to sleep. My contractions got stronger and at 4:00 AM I woke them up to go up again. I was a 5 by then and they said I could stay. I got my epidural around 6:30 AM and it was heaven after that. I was able to sleep and around 8:00 AM Machelle my fill in doctor for Karen came in to break my water. After that I was fine for awhile then felt the baby slide into place and tons of pressure. I was just about to call Machelle when she came in and said she wanted to check me. She checked me and said you are ready let's have the baby. I started pushing and only pushed for two minutes and he was here.
The delivery was much smoother this time around and I didn't feel anything. I felt much better and have had an easier recovery. We had a ton of visitors at the hospital. One of my biggest fears about having kids so close in age was how Ty would adapt to having a new little one. I was so worried about him liking the baby and still getting the attention that he needed himself in being so little. I will never forget how precious it was the first time Ty saw McKay. He was so sweet to him and still is. He always says, Hi there or hello baby brother. It was a lot better than I thought it would be.
3 hours ago
1 comment:
I'm so happy for you Jess!!! Sounds like it went smooth. That is nice. He is so adorable!! I'm so glad you got to have him before the wedding and have a little time to recover. You are such a great mom!! I look up to you lots and hope I can be like you. Love ya!!!
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