Friday, September 24, 2010

Kip's birthday

Kip on his birthday with his beloved red velvet cake

Kip is now 28 years old. He is kind of a pain when it comes to birthday's or christmas because he doesn't want anything. He is not a big money spender, he loves movies but doesn't like to buy them, he doesn't like clothes and the only things I could think about getting him were way to expensive for our budget these days. So I went with a movie that I got for a really good deal (Thanks to Cassie for pointing it out), an Ipod holder for when he runs (Thanks to Cassie for finding such a good deal on one) and treats that he loves (Mint Oreo's, Kit-Kat candybar and Sangria (a mexican soda). He seemed happy enough but I wish I could find some other stuff he would enjoy. I had to beg him to tell me what he wanted me to make him for his birthday dinner and I just made him a cake I know he loves. It worked out to be a pretty lame day for him though. I had to work until 7 and luckily I was able to make him his cake and lasagna the night before but he had to put his birthday dinner in the oven. We ate at 7:30 PM. I invited his Dad, Mom and Grandma over to have cake and we sang to him as well. He isn't big on attention so I didn't do anything to big for him. He seemed to have a pretty good birthday but I wish it could have been better. I am really thankful for him and all he does for us! He is such a good husband and dad and I am the luckiest to have him in my life!

Ty and Kip on his birthday. Ty is a spitting image of his dad. 

Ty thinking is he oh so big and can walk. If we would let him he would do a face plant because he will just let go.

Ty is getting so big. I can't believe how fast time is going and how fast he is growing up. Before we know it we will be celebrating his 1st birthday. He is so ready to just go, go, go. He wants everything and he is not afraid to fall. He will scream when we are holding him now because he just wants to stand up next to the couch and be big. He has started to scoot a little and is so close to crawling but hasn't figured it out just yet. We will have our hands full when he starts crawling.

We have really had a hard month with Ty as he has been getting his 2 top teeth. He got the one and was a happy boy for 2 days then started getting the other one and he is a grouch. I can't say I blame him as they look like they really hurt. Poor kid! I am excited for him to continue to grow and develop but it's sad at the same time because he is really getting out of the baby stage and growing into a little toddler.

Last Friday we went to the state fair. We had a lot of fun! Well I had fun. It was really hot and my hubby hates hot. He gets sunburned really easily. He was a really good sport though. We also went to Ikea. I really love that store! We picked up a little present for Ty for Christmas and we also got a pizza cutter for really cheap. I could spend a long time in that store and a lot of money.

Noah got to ride the ponies. So cute!

Ty hated his stroller and wanted to be out looking at everything

This bull was huge. That is a regular size bull next to it. Crazy huh?



Logan said...

I can totally relate to having a husband thats hard to buy for. Ryan's b-day is in a couple of weeks and I'm driving myself crazy trying to find something for him. Ty is getting so big and handsome! He is lucky to have you for a mom.

kcooke said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KIP! I cannot believe how big Ty is in these pics...he is such a cutie though!

Ryan and Heidi said...

Happy birthday to Kip! You guys are such a cute little family! I can't believe how big Ty is getting! So were you at the boutique? I didn't even see you there! They had a ton of cute stuff!

Steven and Caitlin said...

Happy Birthday Kip! Hope it was a good one. Ty is getting so big still a cutie. I would love you guys to come stay with us when you come to Vegas! I am going to be in Utah next weekend. Maybe we can all get together.