Written in my journal originally Thursday March 28, 2013.
Ashlan Amy Christensen was born March 21, 2013 at 10:30 AM. She weighed 7 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 in long. She is so precious and I am so glad she is here.
Her original due date was April 4, 2013 so she came about 2 weeks early. I went into labor around 4 AM that morning and sent Kip to work. I had the same feelings two days before and had Kip stay home assuming I had gone into labor. Since I didn't I thought this was the same thing. I told him I would text him if the contractions got closer. At 7:30 I called Kip and my mom to come. We got to the hospital at 8:30 and I was a 6 1/2. The anesthesiologist was busy in an emergency surgery so I had to wait until he was done to get my epidural. By this time I was so worried I wouldn't be able to get one. I was able to get something to help with the pain but it made me dizzy. He finally came in and it was seriously the best epidural I have gotten. She was born a few minutes after I got my epidural and in less than one push. She was so easy except for being in labor with nothing to help with the pain until I was seriously a 9. I don't know how those woman do it who go all natural. They are brave!
We are loving her sweet spirit. She is very dramatic and definately let's us know she is in charge. She snorts when she cries if she is really upset. She has two little dimples. One is very prominent but the other shows itself occasionally. We have had so much help from family and our ward has been so nice to bring in meals.
It's always amazing to me that with every new baby our love can grow. Being a mom is a challenge but the biggest blessing. I am certain she is a little touch of heaven and we love that feeling in our home.
3 kids is proving to be a challenge. I can't do the things I could do before on my own or with little trouble. It feels like everything takes longer and is harder with 3 little ones. We wouldn't change it for anything though. Kip is an awesome daddy and a great husband. He is so busy with school and work and yet does so much for us at home. The boys have been loving wrestling with daddy time. Something I am sure we will always remember.
1 hour ago